Learn more about the history of Daybreak Point Bible Camp on Anvil Island, as well as our member churches, board members and our mission to serve.Our mission is to encourage campers to encounter the love and life of Jesus Christ through:
• Christ-centred teaching and programs
• Christian Community
• Personal relationships
• A safe and fun camp experience
The Board is a Volunteer Committee that meets once a month (year round) and is composed of elected representatives. The Board is made up eight individuals and includes our Chairman, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and four members at large. In addition we have a variety of other committees including: the Sessions Committee, the Human Resources Committee, the Director’s Nominating Committee and the Planning Committee.
Daybreak Point Bible Camp is a stand alone society which is supported financially, and spiritually through the tireless efforts of member churches, individual donors, and many volunteers. The Member Churches each select one representative who attends meetings and agree to uphold the principles, mission, and beliefs of Daybreak Point Bible Camp. Furthermore, the member churches contribute financially, provide volunteers and promote the Camp.
Bakerview Gospel Chapel
Cascades Church
Emmanuel Christian Community
Every Nation Vancouver
Granville Chapel
Heather Bible Chapel
Marineview Chapel
Parkcrest Bible Chapel
Sixteenth Avenue Gospel Hall
Tsawwassen Alliance
Westminster Bible Chapel
The fabric of Daybreak Point Bible Camp goes far beyond just the people that attend a camp each summer. We are fortunate enough to have some incredible Community Partners , and we consider ourselves fortunate enough to affiliate ourselves with them. They are, in no particular order: The 604Network (formerly the Chapel Movement), The Union Gospel Mission, Columbia Bible College, KidsWorld and Youth Unlimited.
Our Staff
Shannon Fenton
Kent Freisen
Camp Caretaker
Wendi Branchard
Contact Us
Phone: 604.764.8569
E-Mail: Info@anvilisland.ca | admin@anvilisland.ca
Mail: Daybreak Point Bible Camp
P.O. Box 18085, Vancouver, BC V6M 4L3
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
People To Know
Chairman: Terry Carabetta
Director of Camp Development: Jim Galpin
Treasurer: Blake Henley
Rentals Coordinator: Helena Borne
Work Parties:
Official Spokesperson