The Leading Peak Hike
The Leading Peak trailhead is located on Daybreak Point Bible Camp’s property. The Camp is closed to the public except for the prearranged, escorted walk-through (from March-June and September-October) of hikers by our Caretaker staff for the purpose of doing the hike. If you would like to arrange access through Daybreak’s property to do the Leading Peak Hike, please contact the office and we will send you the required waiver form for accessing the trailhead. Our arrival windows for access to cross our property are 9:00-10:00 am and 3:00-4:00 pm. At this time we are not able to provide moorage. There is a suggested donation of $25 per group, but it is not mandatory. The large majority of the trail, and Leading Peak itself, is on Crown Land. We are not campsite operators and there is no campsite set up at the Leading Peak. We cannot authorize or manage requests for camping on Crown Land. We are able to provide trailhead access only at this time on a first come, first serve basis. Our other facilities (washrooms, cabins, picnic tables, kitchen, etc.) are not available for use.
Trailhead access is not permitted through July through Labour Day while our summer camps are in session.
Thank you for your understanding!