Age: 18+ co-ed
Dates: August 30-September 1, 2025
Director: Jonathan Singh
Assistant Director: Chris Thring

Age: 18+ co-ed
Dates: August 30-September 1, 2025
Director: Jonathan Singh
Assistant Director: Chris Thring
Welcome To Camp 10
Camp 10 is the first of two young adults/College and Career (18 years plus) weekend camps on the island. The camp is set up as less formal than Camps 1-9. It is geared as a bible teaching weekend with the hopes on building solid spiritual foundations (or building up from current ones) in a Christ centric environment, with encouragement for campers to build new relationships with fellow Christians and campers that far each th surpass the boundaries of the weekend. You will be immersed in the beauty of our Lord’s creation as you enjoy the wonders of Day Break Point Bible Camp and all of the activities while being enriched in hearing sound doctrine and the message of hope found alone in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

CAMP 10 THEME – Coming Soon
Our Camp theme for 2025 will be announced shortly!
Camp 10 Gallery
Camp 10 brings about 25 volunteer staff dedicated to making this week an awesome experience for our college and career campers. Each camp has a Nurse or Doctor on staff, 4 certified lifeguards and 2 advanced first-aid attendants. The majority of our staff have served for many consecutive years and all have pre-camp training, criminal record checks and reference checks.

Meet the Director
Jonathan has had the privilege for being involved in various areas of service and camps with Daybreak for the past 30 years. Jonathan and his lovely wife Theresa have their hands full with two growing little boys (future campers), and reside in Delta, BC.
As a family we consider it an honour and privilege to be a part of and serve up at Anvil.
Fun fact: I picked up the Rubic’s cube my son got for his birthday in late 2022 and after spending hours on it, figured it out!! I can solve It now within 5 minutes. If I can figure it out, anyone can!!